High Capacity
Battery Backup

Professionally installed batteries to provide energy when it’s most needed
Ste E, Northridge, CA 91324
Monday – Friday: 8AM – 5PM
How Do Solar Batteries Work?
Battery storage systems or battery back-ups work by keeping energy produced by your solar panels for later use instead of sending it back to the grid. The higher your battery’s capacity, the more solar energy it can store.

If your solar panels are producing more electricity than you need, the excess energy goes towards charging the battery. Later, when your solar panels aren’t producing electricity, you can draw down the energy you stored earlier in your battery for day or night use. You’ll only send electricity back to the grid when your battery is fully charged, and you’ll only draw electricity from the grid when your battery is depleted.
Use stored energy to power your home during an outage
Recharge with solar energy you produce
Keep appliances running seamlessly
Reasons Why You Should Consider
Battery Back-Up For Your Home
Self-generation incentive program (SGIP).
This program offers cash rebates for installing energy storage technology at both residential and non-residential facilities.
Solar Panels stability
When the electricity goes out due to technical or weather conditions, solar panels with energy storage ensure you always have power at your property.
investment tax credit (ITC)
As a taxpayer, you are eligible for a 26% investment tax credit (ITC). However, keep in mind that the battery itself isn’t considered renewable energy, as it can also be charged by grid electricity.
EV Charging Impact
As a possible EV owner, it might be beneficial for you as Ev's increase electricity demand at peak times when you plug it in for a recharge.
What you should consider while choosing the best storage option
Capacity is the total amount of electricity a solar battery can store, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). The power rating, measured in kilowatts (kW), is the amount of electricity a battery can deliver at one time.
Contact Us Today
Reach out to us to start taking advantage of solar power benefits today! We will provide you with a free quote and help you get started on your path to renewable energy.
Monday – Friday: 8AM – 5PM